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One of the deadliest enemy to our Christian walk is pride. It creeps in and takes root. Arrogance is the visible display or manifestation of pride. Nobody will ever own up and say ….you know what I think I am proud!!!! It is one of those things that we find difficult to admit. We legitimize and validate it with other terms….Extreme confidence, Self-Awareness, Selling myself or worse still say they are jealous of me.

What are the indicators of pride?

*Making “I Statements”…..rather say We did it.

*Feeling bad or reluctant to acknowledge the good thing that someone else did. Complimenting others does not reduce you.

*Being unthankful or ungrateful or having an entitlement mentality. When pride has crept in a person feels too big to say thank you. Be humble to thank people even your domestic staff when they serve you. It gives them a sense of self-worth and increases their productivity.

* When you feel offended when you are not acknowledged or your “title” is not acknowledged.

Rather focus on developing yourself as a goldfish has no

hiding place. When you are loaded people will seek you rather than you trying to announce yourself or force people to recognize you.

*When you feel you are superior to others due to an advantage you have…it could be your upbringing, education, financial status..etc. You are not superior grace just elevated you. So be overly humble and careful in how you treat people visibly beneath you.

* When you feel you cannot relate with people below your social status…..even Jesus ate with sinners and tax collectors.

There can be Spiritual pride when you feel you know it ALL and refuse wise Godly counsel.


DO HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!!😀😀😀😀😀

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